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Learning How to Live "Little Bitty"

On November 24, 2018, I decided to write down certain events throughout my days and share them and their meaning through the eyes of a 21-year-old who wears overalls. I started writing so a 65-year-old me can look back and see what was running through my mind and relive some of the good ole days; to remember what I was feeling right now when there are so many unknowns, and to compare my values and what I believe. I hope they never change, but only grow stronger. My grandpa always quoted the Alan Jackson song and said, "it's alright to be little bitty." I hope that I can take those words and act on them, and also share what they mean to me as I apply it to my life.

I invite you to join me as I do my best to share my journey. Thank you to all those who have supported me thus far. I better end this here. The Andy Griffith show starts in five minutes, and I can't miss that!

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Jan 30, 2019

Well said Austin

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